Erasmus meeting in the Czech Republic

In the first week of October, there was an Erasmus meeting in the Czech Republic. I was hoasting the best girl from Italy named Chiara. She arrived during th Sunday evening. We had been both nervous at the begining but then we got to know each other and everything was great. On Monday morning we went to school and we showed our presentations about our country, city and school. Then during the morning we were playing some cognitive games. In the afternoon all students from all coutries went to a restaurant. We had a diner, we played bowling and of course foreigners tried czech bier. On Tuesday we visited Pilsen. We participated in a course that should hepl us with our future jop opportunities. Then we visited a Pilsen´s brewery. On Wednesday we had a tour in Příbram. Groups about 6 people visited fire station, vet, police station and our Holly Mountain. In the evening we went to play a laser game. On Thursday we were working in the school again. We were making videos and we pretendet to be on a jop interview. In the evening we had a goodbye party. I thing all of us really enjoyed singing and dancing. We also make some pictures together. One of them I have behind my phone cover. On Friday we spent all day in Prague. We visited some typical and most turistic places. For example the Old town square, the Charles bridge and the Powder Tower. Unfortunately then was the time to say goodbye. I cried like a little baby because I knew I will not see my friend for a long time. But on the other hand I knew that I will visited Italy during the next Erasm meeting. It was an amazing week for me and I really enjoyed it.


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